Site Characterization and Site Control – $9.95


Site Characterization and Site Control Course Description

Employees conducting field activities encounter a wide variety of potential health and safety hazards. Exposure to hazards will vary depending on the type and duration of the activity.  It is essential that employees prepare and plan for their work activities to assure that they understand the potential for safety and health hazards and appropriate protection for those risks. Field inspection and sampling represent one of the largest responsibilities of field personnel. Personnel who perform these activities will be confronted with many different types of work environments, each with its own associated hazards.  Handling drums and containers are also discussed

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Syllabus and Performance Eval – Planning/Preparing for Field Activities and Site Control

Required Materials

Planning and Preparation for Field Activities Presentation

Field Sampling Hazards Presentation

Site Characterization OSHGMHWSA

Site Control OSHGMHWSA

Handling Drums and Containers OSHGMHWSA

Planning and Preparing for Field Activities Text

Field Sampling Hazards Text

Hyperlinks for Course – Planning & Preparing for Field Activities and Site Control

Supplemental Materials

Hazardous Substance Form OSHGMHWSA

Generic S & H Program OSHGMHWSA

Joint Agency OSHGMHWSA Complete


Course Information

Estimated Time: 2 hours


Course Instructor

sitecontrol Author

Site Characterization and Site Control
